
Maya Telford Newsletter

Hi everyone, firstly, I must apologize for the tardiness of getting out my newsletter. At the moment and for the past two months, I have been in the process of relocating my residence from the Fraser Valley to North Vancouver, BC and will be moving on June 26th.

For those of you who have been to my home, you will know how much "stuff" I have to contend with and it certainly is a challenging adventure. There are some furniture give-aways so please be in touch soon if you need anything. My new phone number after June 26th will be 604-985-5130.

So this will be quite brief for now. What I really want everyone to be aware of is the importance of this summer's solstice and of the "Gathering of the One". Please take a moment to view this short but beautiful video here.

The Gathering of One.
June 17-21 in West Yellowstone USA

The world joins together to create a global shift on the summer solstice 2008 to usher in the Golden Age of Peace. Centered at West Yellowstone Montana (USA), 444 people will use the power of intent along with others around the world who will step into sacred formations to call forth Oneness, as the Shekinah and the Metatron move into Sacred Union through all who participate in the global sacred geometry

Also please take a couple of minutes to read this illuminating piece from Aluna Joy below.

"As the June 2008 Solstice nears, it is becoming quite clear that it will be a turning point between what WAS... and what will BE, not for this year alone, but for a MUCH BIGGER picture.

Yep, we are talking about the biggie cycles now. Do you know what side of the fence will you will play on? Are you in support of community, love and oneness and our future ... or ... are you still armoring yourself against the world, operating out of fear, and are becoming more separate? Are you a WAS-BEEN or a WILL-BE? The cosmic dividing line is being drawn. It is time for us to choose on what side we wish to create our reality.

The Mayan Calendar reflects a division between the future and the past. You can see this division in the 20 core days that the run down the center month of the Mayan Calendar. Print out a copy for yourself here....

Core days are like traveling a sacred pilgrimage down your chakras over a 20 day period. On June 18th, we enter the first day of the 20 core days in the Mayan month XUL. The Mayan day is 4 IMIX, and it will pack a punch as it will be lit up and magnified by a powerful full moon.

The likeliness of a full moon initiating the 20 core days is very slim, but here we are! We are feeling its searing heat... the overwhelming excitement and the unlimited amazing possibilities."

What "Mayan Astrology" says about Core days...

So that's it for now, more in July.

Wishes for a magical month,

June 14 2008

In This Edition

The Gathering of One

Energy Alerts

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Earth Glowing
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planet in cupped hands
Maya - maya at 604-826-5153
Maya Telford Website